2023 03 29 get your head out of the clouds event 600x768 1

Get Your Head Out Of The Cloud With Bob Evans

Get Your Head Out Of The Cloud With Bob Evans

Bob Evans, Founder and Principal of Cloud Wards and Co-Founder and Analyst at Acceleration Economy, has analyzed enterprise-tech businesses for over 20 years and has delivered keynotes on every continent (except Antartica!) offering a peek into the future as the world goes digital and moves faster than ever before. After his keynote address, he will engage with panelists representing the information technolgy, cybersecurity, healthcare, finance, and education industries, on the following topics:

  • Who are “native digitals” and why are they changing everything?
  • Why is AI so important? ie- the ChatGPT phenomenon
  • Why is the cloud the greatest growth market the world has ever seen?
  • What is the rise of industry-specific technology?
  • How “citizen developers” are turning the business world upside-down?

Tickets include appetizers during cocktail hour (cash bar), buffett dinner, and favors.

Please join us for an evening full of great conversation and networking opportunities!

Get your tickets HERE

The event is finished.


May 10 2023


4:30 PM - 8:30 PM

Local Time

  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: May 10 2023
  • Time: 4:30 PM - 8:30 PM


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