Sustainable Site Features
Encourages the use of alternative transportation to facilitate the reduction of fuel consumption:
Preferred Parking for fuel-efficient. vehicles and car/vanpools.
Conveniently located bike racks; shower/locker rooms available inside.
A rain garden provides a point of interest, as well as contributes to controlling stormwater run-off.
Outdoor terrace with a cascading waterfall and reflective pool provides a soothing sound and restive visual for the living laboratory.

Water Efficiency Features
Water-saving fixtures use over 36% less potable water than conventional fixtures.
Pennsylvania native trees, shrubs, and plants have been selected to increase the longevity o the site's green infrastructure without requiring irrigation.
Energy & Atmosphere Features
Only non-ozone-depleting refrigerants utilized.
The eCenter@LindenPointe is designed to reduce energy use over 34% when compared to conventional design, through the use of:
Reflective (cool) roofs
Exterior sunshades
Energy-efficient windows/entrance frames/ glazing
Geothermal HVAC system
Outside air delivery monitors
High-efficiency lighting fixtures and occupancy sensors

Materials & Resources Features
Over 75% of construction debris was recycled and diverted from landfills.
Sustainable lumber, certified by the Forest Stewardship Council, used in the fabrication of wood doors and cabinetry.
Over 30% of the construction materials were manufactured regionally
Construction materials included over 35% recycled material content, reducing the environmental impact of extracting, and processing virgin materials.
Recycling centers are located inside and outside of the eCenter
Indoor Environmental Quality Features
High-efficiency HVAC system continually circulates fresh air throughout the building.
Low emitting materials were utilized, promoting a healthy environment:
Adhesives and sealants
Each incubator lab is individually controlled with digital monitoring of its electric usage.